Traditional house in the countryside with lots of trees and grass, West Lodge


This expansion project focused on creating a new bedroom and increasing the overall living accommodation at West Lodge. Despite the lodge house not holding individual listing status, its location within the curtilage of the B Listed Manor House renders it curtilage listed.
Internal view of a country kitchen with an island, West LodgeInternal view of traditional bathroom in a house, West LodgeTraditional house in the countryside with lots of trees and grass, West Lodge
The historical significance of West Lodge is evident through its previous extensions, with the T-shaped configuration of the original lodge still discernible. Our approach to the extension involved a thoughtful placement, strategically setting it back from the South façade. This decision was made to maintain a subordinate stance, allowing the original lodge's distinctive form to take precedence and remain visually prominent.
Sketch of a house, West Lodge
Internal view of a country kitchen with an island, West Lodge
Preserving the architectural heritage and charm of the original structure was paramount in our design philosophy. Careful consideration was given to incorporating traditional detailing and adhering to a consistent material palette for the new extension. This meticulous approach ensured that the additional space seamlessly melds with the existing lodge, creating a sympathetic and cohesive architectural ensemble.

Our commitment to architectural integrity and sensitivity to the site's historical context is reflected in every aspect of this project. The result is not just an expanded lodge, but a harmonious integration of old and new, where the authenticity of the original structure is preserved while accommodating contemporary needs.